Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Interview Course Medicine, UNIMAS

Assalamualaikum everyone.

Okey, so UNIMAS kat mana, ya?



So aku nak share pengalaman aku interview course medic UNIMAS, bagi lepasan Asasi/matrik/STPM.

Okey, basically aku ialah batch kedua UNIMAS ambil dari bukan asasi dia (PASUM or PALAM). Selama ni semuanya dia ambil student asasi dia atau students dari matrikulasi. Batch sebelum aku sorang je dari Asasi Sains UiTM. Boleh nampaklah UNIMAS dah agak longgar situ.

Macam biasa, untuk dipanggil untuk panggilan interview, result sem 1 asasi/matrik mestilah high and the above GPA 3.5. Tapi bear in mind that mestilah ramai berduyung-duyung orang yang result tip top apply for medic. So kalau boleh, dont just aim 3.5, but above that, okey..?

Kenapa aku cakap interview tengok result first sem? sebab interview dia sebelum result matrik keluar. Kalau batch aku dulu few days after result UiTM keluar barulah tarikh interview dia. 

Kalau students yang dari semenajung ni jangan risau, sebab masa isi UPU nanti, dia ada tulis prefer buat interview kat mana? Zaman aku dulu dia buat kat UPM. Tapi batch yang lepas dia buat kat hotel kat KL, im not sure hotel mana tu. Macam Yayasan Pelajaran MARA jugaklah.

Panel tu siapa?

Okey panel tu basically lecturers yang mengajar kat Fakulti Perubatan & Science Kesihatan UNIMAS. Aku dulu dapat Prof Lela, timbalan dekan fakulti. Masa aku dulu ada dua orang panel, dua-dua tak introduce their names tapi aku ingat Prof Lela sebab dia ada mengajar masa aku year 1. Yang lagi sorang aku tak cam sangat. Satu sebab dia tak tanya banyak soalan and sbeb aku tak jumpa lagi masa year 1. So ingat2 lupa dah camna rupa dia. Prof Zul pun ada.. Batch lepas pun macam biasa, timbaaln dekan ada pergi.. lecturer clinical years ada pergi jugak. Diorang semua nak pilih baka-bakal student diorang ;)

Soalan apa dia tanya, akak?

Akak tak tahulah kenapa akak dapat soalan yang agak senang berbanding member-member akak.

Akak tak ingat sangat tapi boleh lah.
Kenapa pilih UNIMAS?  
Kenapa nak ambil perubatann?
Kenapa kat Sarawak? yang ni aku siap melalut pasal Sarawak ada bukit-bukit and aku nak hiking Prof Lela pun layan je siap bagitau bukit apa yang ada. Malu pulak aku bila terkenangkan balik. 
Ada dapat interview kat mana-mana lagi ke?
Yang ni aku jawab jujur, aku dapat UPNM, UMS, USM-KLE.

Tapi ada kawan-kawan aku kurang bernasib baik.. diorang dapat soalan killer macam

Bincangkan isu pemakaian tudung dalam operation theatre(OT) dalam dewan bedah. wuu.
Media massa melaporkan terdapat ramai graduan perubatan yang menganggur. Pendapat anda?

So tips akak, make sure you tahu perkembangan semasa berkenaan dunia perubatan. Takyah tahu pasal detail sangat cara nak diagnose bla2 sebab tu semua diorang yang akan ajar. Basically dia nak tahu you guys cakna tak pasal dunia luar  macam latest technology yang like mengemparkan dunia medic ke, sexual harassment cases ke. Plus, diorang nak tengok teknik menjawab you all jugak sebenarnya.

Akak, best tak belajar kat Sarawak?
Masa year 1 dulu akak agak depress sebenarnya sebab dapat UNIMAS haha. sebab akak jadi homesick teruk gila and terkejut.  Tapi year 2 akak rasa bersyukur pulak dapat UNIMAS. jauh memang jauh. tapi tu lah. dalam Malaysia lagi. Masuk year 3 lagi lah akak bersyukur dapat UNIMAS.  Nanti akak buat satu entry baru untuk cerita, ya.

Akak, dapat JPA tak?
Alhamdulillah akak dapat. Tapi year 2 lah. Year 1 dulu akak dapat Yayasan Pahang.
Sejak batch selepas akak, Yayasan Sarawak start bagi scholarship for Sarawakians yang ambil course medic. Sebelum ni JPA taja. Tapi tahun2 sebelum akak, ramai tak dapat JPA dah. Batch akak pun lebih kurang half je dapat. Lain dengan batch selepas akak, disebabkan ramai dah dapat Yayasan Sarawak, so kuota untuk student JPA tu makin mengecil, so tak ramai dah mohon sebab diorang dapat YS, kan. Jadi mostly yang mohon for JPA memang dapat. Tapi kalau tak dapat JPA, pun yayasan negeri ada, insyaAllah. boleh mohon yaa.

I think that's it.
Love, SAM

Monday, August 27, 2018

Rant on this Journey

2 years ago, I started my journey in this medical program, without knowing the dark side of this course, what it has to offer and how it made me apart from my family and somehow,  creating new bonds with so many people that I had never imagined before.

No one ever told me that I will be facing 10 examinations within 2 years including one Professional Exam. And no one ever told me that ill be having extra exams for my generic and elective courses each semesters. The pressure, well, no one ever exposed it to me or I was too ignorant about the facts of a medical students. Well, social media is where people masked it with all the happiness of their lives with only 2% of their pathetic story.

I stepped into this medical world with so many stories that were untold. That only you will know once you stepped into this programme.

Despite of all the dark side, the hardships that I had gone through, it made me appreciate of those small little things, which you will take it as granted unless it is taken away from you, before.
Housemates, foster family, research, my team of APYQs, it was a tremendous experience that will forever be in here, in middle mediastinum (read:heart).

Seizing the good and take the bad things as a part of a learning process, is something that you cant run away. When life give you a lemon, make yourself a lemonade. If life knocks you down, rise up, even no one is there, offering their hands.

Dear parents, or future parents,
If one day your kid got straight A’s for SPM,  CGPA 4.0 for their foundation/pre-degree or any equivalent result  that qualified them to be in the medical programme, please, please, please don’t ever forced them into this programme, unless they are really willing to suffer, and have a great enthusiasm to be part of this healing profession, then go on. Or else, you’re going to lose you kid, and they’re going to hate you for their lifetime.

Parents of medical students,
Give your whole support to them, be a good listener. Monitor them and extra careful when they have nothing much to tell. Don’t let their feeling get buried deep inside into their heart.

It was a pathetic situation seeing my batch mates sleep for just 4 hours daily, coffees in their blood, becoming depressed with all kind of exams, expectations by the mentors and so on. Some even don’t sleep during examination week.

Well, we, medical students knew the importance of sleep during the night and how it helps us with memory consolidation but we are to scare of sleep because of the deadlines, the notes hat piled up like no endings. Thinking like sleeping soundly for a decent 6-7 hours is a crime (well definitely sometimes, I AM part of them. I cant help it.).

For the past two years I’ve been comforting myself that exams is something but not everything. Aishah is going to be well. Keep repeating that, I was, and am.

The take home message(amboi)  from this lengthy post is that, we will be always be thinking that this is something, I need to score this, I think I did it badly, I feel bad, I think making me breathing wasted the oxygen supply of the Earth. (Ok over, hyperbola tahap petala kelapan), the thing is that,

Have some of your time to enjoy, to count the teardrop from the leaves, to dance in the rain, or just listen to the purr of a cat while they’re eating or sleeping.

Have some of you time, spare them to your family especially parents, put them before everything else. If you doubtig of going back home or not, then you should really go back home. They only lives once, and you know in the future, you would wish that you spend more time with them, and make them as your utmost priority.

Have some time and sit back, let others that wanted to surpass you badly, surpasses you. There are things that worth your wrinkles, so make sure you use them well in a useful, on more important tasks.

Love, Aishah.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Human Physiology Explains Hadith Rasulullah saw!

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Couple weeks before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, it was in the middle of Block 9: Renal and reproductive, when something triggered in my mind. Masa tu lecture Puberty under Dr Hamdi. He asked us to go through the reading materials at home and will have discussion to replace the lecture. Maksudnya he was not going to teach us and replacing the lecture slot with active learning. Banyak jugaklah lecturer start adapting this kind of new way of teaching. Masa year 1 dulu, A/P Dr Willian yang banyak buat lecture macam ni, followed by other lecturers.

Balik kepada cerita asalnya. At the end of lecture, aku ada persoalan tentang hypogonadism and physiology of penile erection. I have no interest to discuss regarding hypogonadism here but more on physiology of penile erection. *Nasib baik aku study elok-elok penile erection ni, dia keluar in block exam weh with 6-7 marks!)

Jadi seorang Aishah pun ajukan soalan kepada Dr Hamdi. Done with hypogonadism part, aku proceed with,
“Is there any relationship between fasting with penile erection?”

Dr Hamdi took some time and he did explain to me using medical jargon (by which I will translate later.)

Stimulation of penile erection requires parasympathetic activation that will make corpora cavernosa to fills will blood and lead to penile erection. And on the other hand, the other stimulus of parasympathetic activity that contributes to relax and digest is by eating. Thus, when you

 Eat àStimulation of parasympathetic activity à penile erection. Bingo!

Having said that, other stimuli of penile erection play their roles as well.
But he added, that is just theoretically and not that conclusive. So just now this thingy triggered my my mind so apa lagi, aku cari kat NCBI! And guess what find out? Hehehehehe…

Yes there are few studies that support this hypothesis and conclusion from that study is that
“Ramadan intermittent fasting might be associated with decrease in sexual desire, frequency of sexual intercourse and serum FSH level.”, Talib, Canguven, Al-Rumaihi, Al-Ansari & Alani.

So jom kita kaitkan dengan hadis Rasulullah;

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. maksudnya:
“Hai orang-orang muda, sesiapa di antara kamu yang mampu berkahwin maka hendaklah dia berkahwin kerana ia (iaitu perkahwinan) itu dapat mengawal mata dan kemaluan. Barangsiapa yang tidak mampu, maka hendaklah dia berpuasa kerana ia (iaitu puasa) akan menjadi penjaga baginya”.

Ada satu dkumentasi kat National Geographic yang aku tengok tadi, aku tertarik dengan satu ayat dia.

"Religion explains thing that science can't explain"

The sentence not necessarily true but.. Religion(dalam konteks ni, Islam) is supported by science.. or in other words, Science explains Islam!

p/s: Aku sangat amazed dengan negara barat yang not came from medical background tapi knows the basic medical jargon and they even hafal nama ubat diorang. Unlike Malaysian that lack of awareness to know their ubat. Contohnya ubat tahan sakit. There are few jenis of painkiller, plus, they even know what is NSAIDs and indication of anti-histamine.

Since kita duk war-warkan Malaysia Baharu, so why not kita jadikan Malaysian knows more on basic things and lebih rajin cari maklumat melalui laman akademik. Ni bila kahwin 2 bulan tapi scan baby umur 10 minggu mulalah si suaminya meroyan.

Translation: Our body ada dua komponen untuk berfungsi dengan baik, iaitu somatic nervous system(dapat kita control contohnya berjalan etc) dan autonomic nervous system. Bawah autonomic nervous system kita ada parasympathetic(yang memainkan peranan dalam pencernaan dll) dan sympathetic( memainkan peranan penting dalam situasi genting (fight and flight) seperti kena kejar anjing; dimana adrenaline akan dirembeskan). Dua komponen ni saling berkerjasama dan kita tak dapat kawal tapi kita boleh kawal dari segi stimulusnya. Salah satu kepentingan dia adalah receptorsnya penting as a target untuk ubat-ubatan. Contoh? Ubat hypertension(tekanan darah tinggi) target reseptor untuk sympathetic activity. Macam aku mention tadi, sistem pencernaan akan diaktifkan semasa dan selepas kita makan, dan sistem pencernaan ini dikawal oleh parasympathetic action. Justeru, ereksi zakar(penile erection) juga akan teraktif!

...kalau hampa dok faham jugak, aku tataulah nak explain camne dah....

Love, Aishah

Friday, July 20, 2018

December 2017

For the whole week I’ve been telling myself that “Aishah, this 3-days Christmas holiday you must post something, a must!” Yes, yes because I’ve thinking that I’m useless and not done anything much in influencing(?) motivating people or anything for ummah that literally means me and animal has no difference.

Today I see, so many people woke up with the aim of doing good deeds and I am amazing how people think could affect others. Just like how I was affected by what read, watch, etc. And how people touch my heart just by their attitude ;)

I’ve been taking elective class of ‘Learning Disability’ for this semester and Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, I made a good wonderful choice even though I was ‘ is this a right decision? Would this course quite heavy?

Well, what kind of life I’ve go through that aku nak amik course yang agak berat. Well, initially my option was Biomedical Physiology but to think of, well, ‘ bila lagi kau nak belajar satu ilmu baharu?” mestilah When taking biomed physio, senang nak score, medical student right,  and gaining ilmu that will be gained confirm-confirm will be or has been learned in my core course. So after few minutes of thinking, I dropped Biomed Physio and took Learning Disability under Dr Chan, also from Fakulti aku.

The last day of 2017. Maafkanlah sis Aishah ni yang busy tahap gaban that end up continuing her post that should be posted on Christmas but end up on today.

2017. I have been flying numerous time (jap eh kira jap.) sebelas kali for this whole 2017(excluding masa aku year 1 dulu that belongs to 2016) from just flying, macam-macam benda yang aku belajar. Aishah is growing up until one point she don’t feel like something wrong when travelling alone. Mum and daddy, can I go travelling somewhere, alone? Of course lah tak. Sebab I have one little sister yang obsess dengan aku. Eheh. Let’s summarise this year.

1. My big brother got married with his wonderful soulmate and also awesome SIL. Biarpun aku tak balik masa diorang nikah, deep in my heart, aku doakan jodoh mereka berkekalan hingga ke syurgaaa.

2. My second brother habis contract kat Penang and decided to settle down kat kuantan. He just came back from Umrah once habis contract, and now kerja apa entah mak and ayah cakap. Nanti balik aku interview dia haha ok tak berkait.

3. My kakak still with kerja dia as junior executive and macam biasa, tiap-tiap kali balik dari KL for sure akan mengadu how thing goes on in her workplace.

4. My second sister just started her work in Ambank  and yeah, she return to Malaysia for good dah.
5 My little sister masih lagi dengan azam dia yang untuk kurus since beberapa tahun yang lepas(seriously no kidding)

And 2017 depicts that we re having new member in the house—volkswagen! Eheh.
And let’s come back to me, the owner of this blog that writing despite she’s having final exam on 2 January… Well who cares about new year when you have 2 generic exam on 2nd January and elective exam on 6th January… my FIRST clerking patient on next Monday.. and, End Of Block 7 Examination that starts on 16th January. Gone all my life. Haha well not. I’m having big plan ahead. Eheh.

Azam tahun ni? Post new entry regarding Learning Disabilities. Pass Year 2 with flying colors and eligible to sit for First Professional Exams with flying colours as well, amiiin amiiiiin!! Other than that? Just renew my 2017’s azam I guess.

Tahun ni jugak PBL-mate menjodohkan aku dengan budak PBL sebelah and I was like. Dari block 5 year 1 until Block 7 berterusan gossip. Serious talk, please, please, please, guys, jangan cuba nak jodohkan someone with someone else. You tak tahu how hard I have to handle when people keep mentioning A*** to me despite I don’t have any feeling to him. Everyone says he’s handsome, genious, religious but hey, it’s killing me to live on having related to someone that u don’t want to. Please pray for Aishah, please. 

That's it. Moga legalah hati.
End of December 2017.

Love, Aishah