Friday, February 13, 2015

LSPM: Rant on School Days

Gambar untuk Majalah Mekar 2014 F5

I'm a person who will seek every possibility of doing things alone. Not that I hate my friends or, ego or, arrogant or, thought that I can do everything alone. No no no. It's just like, I've through almost 10 years(years where most of the things needs my very own decision to do) and, my thought always differs with others. I hate waiting and make people waiting. And you know, when you're with a gang, and when we say 'gang it means more than three. So, the duration of waiting if there is any particular activities will lengthen. Am I right? Sometimes, during the recess, I walked fast. Rather eating alone than waiting my friends come down from classes(I'm prefect, remember?). I had to write reports. Had to patrol the school(sometimes). And of course, Disturbing my teachers with bombards questions especially to Puan Fadhilah (Sorry teacher, but I love youuu :*) And duration of recessing for a prefect is 35 minutes. I dont dare to wait any more time just to wait.
Me, Syafawani, Fatiha with our respectives angklong 2013

I often made decision carefree. Sometimes the decision is stupid, ridiculous and when I turned back, and think for a second time, I got yelled by myself. Got yelled due to thinking without maturity. People tends to think that my decision is a wise decision. And often follows my decision. And when everything turned into worse, I hate it. I'll just like putting my friends into circumstances that the person will get regretted for his/her lifetime. I hate this. That's why I rather doing things alone@by myself.

However, when I looked back at my history of life during my secondary school, I felt like, Oh my God, Allah granted me with so many wonderful friends that I wish these friendship will lasts forever. Not only will end up when we left SMK TA. Especially my classmates that supports me. Sometimes we had a small fight(urgh??), misunderstanding, sometimes Chinese girl call my friend prostitute(it's not true!) and we always (not me actually) calling our classmates with bad names, but then, it's never matters anymore. Because we know that, when SPM is done, we'll gonna miss each other.
Jamuan Raya dan Karnival Seni Budaya 2013 form 4

Take a nap and picture during subjects exchange periods!

Kelas tambahan during school holidays

Jamuan Akhir tahun berjawatan Khas 2014
Jamuan Berjawatan Khas 2013

Jamuan Raya 2013

Monday, February 9, 2015

LSPM: Educamp UTP

Aku baru balik dari Perak. And, since aku masih lagi belum mengupdate Blog ni hampir sebulan, dan masih belum ada entry bagi bulan Februari, so, this is it.
EduCamp UTP
Aku mohon Asasi Kejuruteraan di UTP. Tarikh tutup dia 22 Januari yang lepas. Aku tahu pun pasal one of my bestfriend, Hazirah told me about that. Then, aku rasa cam shah, kau takde apa nak buat ni.  Apply pakai result trial. Maka... 
Sha, jom mohon.
Maka aku mulalah on printer aku ni, dan photostat segala benda yang diperlukan macam sijil-sijil, surat-beranak and so on. Yang paling penting, result trial examinations aku. Ayah aku dah naik bosan kot tengok kertas-kertas yang nak disahkan. Aku pun dah naik serabut. Mula-mula UPM, then YPM, lepastu UTP. 

Yang UPM tu, bapak ah gila berat segala benda yang diphotostat dan aku siap Pos Laju tau dak. Actually aku ada satu firasat yang dokumen aku tu tak sampai. Pasal ayah aku yang pos, dan ayah aku pos tu memang dah hari ke-3 kalau aku tak silap, sebelum tarikh tutup permohonan. Dahlah masa tu aku bukan main serabutnya dengan SPM. Sekali takda bunyi langsung dari UPM and end up dengan kakak hantar What’s app.

Shah, tak dapat fast track ke? Budak fast track asasi sains pertanian January intake dah masuk.

Aku rasa macam. Grr. Macam kucing yang tengah marah, bulu mengembang. Beberapa saat sebelum kuku keluar.

Ok, back to the story. 31 haribulan Januari, result keluar. Aku dipanggil untuk ke interview tu. Aku macam.

Mak Long, I’m coming!!

So i practiced, practiced for the interview in case of dia tanya,
You have 10 minutes to tell me about yourself. Maka, aku pun berulang-ulang kalilah menghadap cermin masa malam Jumaat tu, sambil imagine, panel is right in front of me.

Sampaikan bila aku stop untuk balas chat kawan aku, adik tegur

Hoi, dah habis interview?

Kakak kat belakang pulak menyampuk.

Dapat ke tak?

Sarkastik. Aku tahu.

Next day, pagi Sabtu, maka bertolaklah aku dari Kuantan bersama omma, daddy adik and tok. Tok tu pasal nak pergi Ipoh, rumah menantu and cucunya. Siap bawa keropok dan buat ketupat laginya. Sempat tuh,cari daun ketupat last minute.

We arrived Ipoh, nearly Mak Long's house around 2 o’clock but then we lost. So Mak Long’s husband came and fetch us at Vet something.

Petang tu we head to Tronoh, I saw the UTP and oh my Allah. It is sooo grand. For the first time, I fell in love to this lovely university. Note, ya, University. It is so modern and huge. I was lost in my own pace, dreaming me, swimming in the lake. What a stupid. Lake? Haha.

Then the next day, about 7 a.m. , my family and I keluar bilik hotel, dalam lif pun jumpa lagi mat-mat berkemeja dengan tie bagai.
Chancellor Hall

Then, bila sampai sana, yes, nganga lagi. Serious, ya, this is private university, Sha, no wonder.
Done parking the car, we walked to the Chancellor Hall. The grand hall that i used to see at the other people’s blogs.
Masuk tu. MAK AIH. ITS ONLY ABOUT 7:10 AM DAN LINE DIA BAPAK PANJANG. I moved  and placed myself at the tail of the line say some hi to the girl in front of me and end up we, become friends. Hehe. Meet my new friend, Norhamieza, from SMK Cheras, KL. A cute girl. Then, kitorang dapat sama group because grouping was based on giliran amsing masing. She was with me all the time in the hall, until we said goodbyes and promised to meet again one day. Tapi ni tak hantar lagi what’s app kat dia. Nak minta nama FB. 

Then, by grouping, we entered  a lab, did some test by using the computer right in front of us. 30 minutes for part 1 test, 100 questions, mostly like to know our personalities, and 90 minutes for part 2 test, 40 questions; testing about critical thinking.Done with that, we have a short interview one-by one kat seats kitorang. Individual. Basically, the panel came to our seats and asked us some simple questions tapi aku rasa i gave a stupid answer like,

What that you want to be?

An engineer.

Walau weh. UTP is school of engineering, Sha.

Tapi soalan dia sangat simple. Just nak tengok kau confident ke tak camtu, je.

Pastu, done. nak keluar...

Then I have a walk around outside the lab... Sebenarnya kau sesat, kan Sha. Pening kepala aku dari mana aku masuk tadi. Mana jalan nak keluar. Nak je aku panggil abang fasi....kakak fasi... yang lalu situ. Ramai yang dah kosong. Then terjumpa Norhamiezan again! Oh lucky me. Dia pun nampak lega tengok aku, sah sesat jugak.
Norhamieza and me. Belakang tu library.

We headed to information counter and suddenly a mum of the participant of EduCamp halted us. She asked about a person named Siti Humaira, and rant about her daughter is still in there, her niece got into this college last year, older about a year with her son, her the other niece is the teacher here, about third year, if a person performed well, they will be send to overseas universities just like twinning program lah. She talked, and asked me thousands of questions before she said something that made we felt Alhamdulillah Ahamdulillah. Heaven...
“Takpelah ye, mak cik pergi dulu.”
We walked for few metres before looked at each other and burst into a laugh. So suddenly a stranger came by and talked about some of private stuffs haha.

Masa depat Chancellor hall tu. Aku pusing belakang, menghadap Chancellor Hall.  Bye UTP. Ada rezeki mai lagi.
Masa balik tu, terserempak dengan family tu, ni, yang datang untuk sesi petang. Ada sorang mak cik tu tanya bermacam jenis soalan sementara si anak jantannya memakai tali leher tepi kereta. Aku macam oh my... Can I keluarkan niqab dalam beg aku ni supaya takda orang berhenti and bercakap dengan aku? Aku Cuma nak tunggu mak dan ayah...

So, that's it.
Aku pass, weh. 


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Interview Yayasan Pelajaran Mara

So aku nakshare pengalaman aku pergi interview MJHEP under MARA.

Yayasan Pelajaran MARA ni lain sikit dengan MARA. Nama program dia Malaysia-Japan Higher Education Programme.  Permohona dia dibuka lepas aku habis SPM. Ayah aku ternampak iklan kat surat khabar, so suruh aku apply sebab dia geram kot tengok aku layan Naruto je 24 jam lepas habis SPM. heh. Syarat dia 8A ke atas untuk result trial SPM.

Ni first time aku pergi interview untuk sambung belajar.

Sebab result SPM tak keluar lagi. Sebab mana ada apa2 program lain dah buka.. Unless you mohon UTP... atau fast track UPM. Fast track UPM aku tak pasti ada lagi ke tak.

So, what course is this for?
Course dia basically engineering.
Well actually, interview ni untuk a short course of Japanese Language selama 5 weeks and it will be ended at the end of Februari, InsyaAllah. Lepas tu baru start dengan diploma program selama 3 tahun, thebaru pilih University kat Jepun untuk fly. Nanti aku cerita lagi.

Okay, so pagi semalam aku pergi with my Dad and my adik-yang-terbising-didunia and sampai hotel Zenith around 8:30 a.m. Aku ingat start pukul 830 pagi tapi macam dah penuh je. Then took my file, wrote my name. Datang awal, tau.

Ada short briefing about this programme, and questions from parents.

The sponsor agency is Yayasan Pelajaran MARA(YPM). Kalau kau pass interview ni, kau akan join short course bahasa Jepun. Lepas result SPM keluar, and kau pass the minimum requirement, akan ada lagi satu interview  sebelum start dengan diploma program in April for 3 years and if and only if you pass for diploma, you'll be going to Japan for Degree two years. At least you already have diploma lah if anything bad happen lah kan. If you well, thinking of pursuing  Masters for two years, then YPM will sponsor you (minimum 40 per year) and if you want to working in Japan, YPM will also support your choice, takde kena balik Malaysia wajib kerja dengan kerjaan Malaysia ke apa. Kalau kau nak further studying in Doctorate, Phd(ololo) for 3 years, still boleh mohon dari tajaan dari YPM(minimum 10 person per year).

Special YPM ni, dia akan bagi you scholarship from diploma, degree, masters and Phd. Nak tak nak je. Nak sambung, buat surat, belajar rajin-rajih, nah, go on, Doctor IR bla...bla..bla... That's why lah trial SPM is quite important.

Then barulah start dengan interview.

Tunggu kejap tu, nama aku dipanggil, along with two more names. And i’m the only girl. So I have to compete with the course that is majority is MALE. Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

Ice breaking lah kejap. Kang dalam tu berkumpulan takkenal apaper dahlah aku ni budak Afzan, jarang tengok lelaki, nak cakap dengan lelaki pun aku dah rasa jantung nak luruh naik luruh naik macam tunggu masa je.
Yang first seat Haziq, budak Alam Shah, Wuuuuu. Berdebar dah aku. Janganlah speaking berhabuk sangat, plis. Second, Faisal, Buki Rangin.

Then kitorang dipanggil masuk.

“Bagi salam dulu ye,dik” Ujar staf YPM
Aku first masuk. Bagi Salam. Done. No respond. She(Oh Mighty Allah, nasib baik perempuan) was like doing something else. Then I reversed. Then, ketuk pintu.

Then the YPM young lady staff tengok aku dan dengan baik hati asked a permission from the panel(thanks Kak hazum....err lebih kurang tu namanya...) and the panel bagi kitorang masuk...

Sebenarnya nak ikutkan etika, kena ketuk pintu sampai yang dalam bilik tu jawab, k...

Introduce yourself. Siapa cepat dia dapat.

Yang lelaki tu start dulu dia explain explain and explain. Head Prefect Brass. Wanted to be Petroleum Engineer

Next, Haziq. Entah betul ke tak nama dia. Dia dari SMK Pelindung, then Alam Shah. First choice Medicine.

Then me,
Masuk aku, habaq mai, first –first. “I ended up my six years of primary school in SJK C Kong Min, thus, i can speak fluently in Mandarin blaa....blaaa... aku tak suka jadi pengawas....sampailah ada orang paksa masa f4...then dilantik jadi secretary...head editor school magazine club...jadi lebih professional...” kira masuk bakul angkat sendiri. But hey, no cheating while interviewing.

Ni lah masanya korang puji diri sendiri, angkat segala bakul kau ada. Aku terbaca pasal tips ni kat mana entah. Masa ni kau angkat bakul takde orang akan annoy dengan kau, ok.

The dia tanya

Why Japan, Whyyyyyy???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You okey ke if 3 years in Malaysia, then the next 2 years in Japan? What if while you’re in last year diploma the in what’sapp someone is sending pictures of them playing snow in  UK,will you be okey?
Actually masa dia cakap ni, aku nak mencelah but then tak macam soalan pula apa yang dia cakap tu. Dia macam nak bercerita je. So kitorang cuma diam. tapi dalam hati aku,

“Point saya ialah, kalau students pergi UK or, OZ, US or wherever in this world pun, mesti kena ada buat IBDP or A-level dua tahun. Kalau tak tu, memang untuk ke Tanah Arab, Jordan dan jiran-jiran dia tu je lah. So, it just one year lambat, and we still have diploma kalau tak pi Japan pun. And Japan is a advance country that worth to wait for another one year. Besides, IBDP is hundreds more harder than diploma. I'm not planning to take IBDP”

Heh, dalam hati jelah, Sha.

The she asked, what cause the recent flood. Natural phenomenon that related with flood. 
Dia cakap answer tu masuk surat khabar dua tiga hari lepas. Tapi none of us boleh jawab. haha.

Mistake yang aku buat was..aku cakap kat panel yang Engineering second choice aku. First Medicine. But then... Shah! Bukan First choice kau Biomedical Engineer slash(/,atau) Doktor ke? Aku macam. Menyesal!!!! Tawakkal. Ok. Allah tahu apa yang baik untuk aku. Mungkin Disebabkan aku takleh kawal lidah cakap tu second choice aku, dan YPM reject aku, mungkin masa depan ada lagi offer. Amiin Amiiin, InsyaAllah InsyaAllah... Rahmat Allah tu kan luas ;) By the way results khamis ni. Mohon doakan. Doakan untuk SPM aku jugak. Thanks ;)

There’s time when my partner tergagap-gagap speaking and she said, i don’t mind if you want to rojak or in Malay, just make sure apa yang nak disampaikan, sampai but i prefer in English. And memang lepas tu, aku ada jawab rojak lah. Eheh.

So tips, dia, if you nervous sangat sampai cakap English tergagap, and rasa Malay is better, then, go on..

Kadang kala panel tu ada buat mata “oh yeah?”

Haha. Mencabar sikitlah.
And she will look into your eyes. So don’t you ever pandang sana sini pandang kasut baru or what.

So cukup almost 15 minutes, done.
Aku dah siapkan something like resume sebenarnya. kot-kot nak impress dia tapi dia tak baca pun sob sob.

Heh. Basically untuk mana-mana interview, penting untuk confident tau. Practice practice and practice untuk introduce yoursel. Cerita segala jenis portfolio kau pegang zaman sekolah.

Maaf saya menggunakan bahasa rojak yang agak kurang sopan. Malas check. Continue my novel that halted due to preparation for the interview. Do pray for me. For my SPM. For Flood Victims. May Allah accept our du'a and make ease of all our circumstances. Amiin