Wednesday, July 24, 2019

4th Year School of Medicine.

Assalamualaikum and hi!.

Since aku duduk sorang dalam rumah ni whereby semua housemates lain keluar pi tengok wayang(and aku jenis yang tak tengok wayang haha) makanya, mehlah kita update blog sebentar.

Alhamdulillah we made it into year 4. And currently tengah Forensic Medicine posting kat faculty medic Kota Samarahan. Being able to balik ke Kota Samarahan feels so good. Yelah, dekat setahun tak balik faculty sini sejak masuk year 3 yang mana we have to stay kat City Campus, tengah Kuching.

They are some that couldnt make it into year 4, please do pray for them. And im praying that mereka ditabahkan hati, dipermudahkan urusan. it's hard but you have more chance to learn more, insyaAllah. Medicine, Surgery, O&G and CMPH. really tough. but i never failed to think of you, throughout the postings.

And, please do pray that me and my friends able to pass with flying colours throughout year 4 ni. 10 posting, kau tahu.. boleh separuh meninggal aku. eheh. Hope able to survive this year 4. Allahumma amiin.

Entahlah, aku rasa macam takde point pulak nak tulis ni. hmm. chau lah dulu. bye!


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