Thursday, February 14, 2013


Take a deep breath and get ready for my bahasa rojak plus ayam dan mee. Dan sekiranya terdapat kesalahan bahasa harap diam dan diam. Uuuuu.
I believe all of you knew that the MRSM had announced people who are chosen for form 4 student of MRSM/2013
And yes, Sha tak dapat.
Tak sedih ke sha? of course lah sedih!
And you?!! Yang dapat tu selak lah hang gelak senyum tersipu sipu kat sha tapi yang dak dapat tu takpa lah ehhh. Hang bukan bodhooo. Cheh sha, hang dak dapat boleh lah hang kabo gitu, ce kalau hang dapat? Sah hang kabo kat orang lain hok orang lain tuh bodhooo. Eh eh mana ada. Sha baik tau.
Adakah anda faham? Slang Kedah-kelantan-terengganu. keh keh
Okay, there's a few stories that i would like to share with all of you. The stories are from my father. Actually you should write story instead of stories, Sha. Erghhh. Yeah, my mistake.

A few months before the result of MRSM was annouced, my dad told me about his office. Ada dua orang anak buah ayah baru masuk, was ex student of MRSM Kuantan. And both are now known as IK. I still can remember that my mum laughed when he told us. Telling you that being an Pegawai Kesihatan doesnt mean that you are low-class-occupation-person but, people often thinking, expecting that ex MRSM should have a high-class-occupation just like being a doctor, engineer, architect, lecturer, pegawai perubatan and others.. But maybe that IS their ambition to be an IK just like my father. Actually, my father was worked in lab. I do not know what does the occupation called but my father told me, he was too bored being work in lab so he further his study and be an IK. For me, being a IK which is Pegawai Kesihatan such an interesting job as it is interesting. Erghhh. Lame. Betullah. Ayah selalu banyak keluar. Kalau ada SUKMA, SUKPA, IM4U, anak MB tu kahwin, PM, TPM turun padang, Sultan Pahang ada buat event, my father should be there to check the food adn drinks. Tak ke seronok tu? Ayah Sha dah lama kerja sebagai Pegawai Kesihatan,  ayah sha kiranya senior and ada anak-anak buah nya(tetiba teringatkan Firdaus yang married dengan my long lost cousin). Disebabkan ayah banyak pengalaman, ayah selalu dihantar outstation for mesyuarat and others. And, my father was the student of a school located in Seberang Takir.
You are amazing, dad. Whatever your accupation is.
Haih Sha ni. tulis blog je mesti lari dari tajuk.
As we know, there's about 30,000 plus dapat straight A's for PMR 2012. And I'm wondering, SBP and MRSM, tak cukup kah untuk jumlah itu? Lagi satu, tak semua malays dapat straight A's. Maybe dalam 30000 orang tu, 15000 non Muslim, and jarang non muslim duduk SBP and MRSM. so, why i'm not be chosen to be part of MRSM student??? Sungguh kecewa.. Maybe fail ujian UKKM? Or maybe result PMR tak melayakkan Sha jadi pelajar MRSM?

Tapi Sha percaya akan ketentuan Allah SAW. maybe theres reason that i'll never find out and god knows better than everyone. Inilah untungnya hidup dengan kekasih bernama Allah SAW.

Theres loads(not lots) of my friends' sisters@brothers went to overseas to further their studies and yes, they're not ex MRSM student or SBP's but just sekolah harian biasa. so, so, so! Being MRSM student does'nt mean you'll be overseas student! Amboih Sha... Nampak sangat hang jealous, Sha.
er er. mana ada.

After all, yes, untung jadi budak MRSM pasai tu MARA tau. boleh jadi anak MARA. Nakmohon pinjaman nanti senang, source banyak, nak dapat mana-mana U senang pasai budak MARA. eee. nak muntah rasa time sebut ayat tadi. Dan ada juga yang bukan budak MRSM dapat tajaan MARA to further studies. Tapi anak tiri jelah. errrghhh. InsyaAllah

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